Code for my First Text-Based Game

I started learning Python from Learn Python the Hard Way, 10 days ago. The last scripting language I learnt was C++, but it was ages ago – and never took to it with as much interest as I am taking on Python. I learnt C++ to pass an undergraduate course in 2008, and that’s all I really wanted from it back then.

There are 52 exercises in the book, and I have finished the 36th exercise today. It required me to write code for a simple text-based game, the likes of which were people played by computer nerds in the 80’s when the GUIs weren’t as advanced as they are today. Sometimes nerds from our generation might also want to get a kick out of these text-based games, as evidenced by the following:

Here’s the python code for this text-based game you might want to try out. You can simply copy the code below into a text file, naming it something like and save it to your home directory or wherever you wish to and run from. Then from Terminal (CMD for Windows), type in python Of course, you need to have Python installed. If you want to learn how to create a text based game of your own, the best way would be to play such a game, simultaneously glancing at its code, understanding how the game was programmed to function. I haven’t over-complicated this one so that newbs like me could work out the map easily – and maybe add their own branches and make the game lot more interesting.

from sys import exit

def lion():
    print "You had to choose some direction and you chose West. You have been walking for miles.... and you're thirsty, and dehydrated."
    print "... you have just begun to feel you're walking into eternity when you see a T-junction. But just then you hear a ROAR!!!"
    print "You turn back to see a giant lion, miles away, running after you at great speed. You just have time to react. What now?"
    do_what = raw_input("> ")
    if "left" in do_what or "south" in do_what:
        print "Unfortunately for you, the lion catches up and rips you to shreds. You feel intense pain, yet you can't die. This is hell." 
    elif "right" in do_what or "north" in do_what:
        print "You find a portal to another dimension. Could this be a trap? Or should you take that chance? What do you do?"
        do_what = raw_input("> ")
        if "portal" in do_what:

def princess():
    print "You have been walking for miles... and this is geting frustrating. Will this road ever end?"
    print "A dagger falls from the skies abvoe. What do you do?"
    do_what = raw_input("> ")
    if "dagger" in do_what or "pick" in do_what:
        print "lo and behold! A beautiful princess stands before you."
        print "A diamond on the hilt of your dagger turns the color of her eyes. This is a clue."
        what_color = raw_input("Do you see the color or blood?\n> ")
        print "... are you sexually attracted to her?"
        sexually_attracted = raw_input("> ")
        print "You'll have to make a choice. You can either go kiss in a warm embrace or kill her with your dagger. Which will it be?"
        your_choice = raw_input("> ")
        if "yes" in what_color or "blood" in what_color:
            if "kill" in your_choice:
        elif "yes" in sexually_attracted:
            if "kiss" in your_choice:
                print "You have been betrayed by your lecherous lust. This goddess of desire turns into a dragon and burns you to dust."
        elif "no" in sexually_attracted:
                if "kill" in your_choice:
                    print "What a muderous and sinful thing you did."
        print "You should have picked up the dagger. You never know what might be coming..."
        print "...but what do we have here!? A beautiful maiden! She looks like royalty. In fact she is a princess!"
        print "... are you sexually attracted to her?"   
        sexually_attracted = raw_input("> ")
        if "yes" in sexually_attracted:
            print "You have been betrayed by your lecherous lust. This goddess of desire turns into a dragon and burns you to dust."
            print "The princess gives you a magic potion that can grant you any boon."
            print "You ask for all the happiness and riches of the world"

def prince():
    print "You have been walking for miles... and this is geting frustrating. Will this road ever end?"
    print "A dagger falls from the skies abvoe. What do you do?"
    do_what = raw_input("> ")
    if "dagger" in do_what or "pick" in do_what:
        print "lo and behold! A handsome prince stands before you."
        print "A diamond on the hilt of your dagger turns the color of his hair. This is a clue."
        what_color = raw_input("Do you see the color or blood?\n> ")
        print "... are you sexually attracted to him?"
        sexually_attracted = raw_input("> ")
        print "You'll have to make a choice. You can either go kiss in a warm embrace or kill him with your dagger. Which will it be?"
        your_choice = raw_input("> ")
        if "yes" in what_color or "blood" in what_color:
            if "kill" in your_choice:
        elif "yes" in sexually_attracted:
            if "kiss" in your_choice:
                print "You have been betrayed by your lecherous lust. This god of desire turns into a dragon and burns you to dust."
        elif "no" in sexually_attracted:
                if "kill" in your_choice:
                    print "What a muderous and sinful thing you did."
        print "You should have picked up the dagger. You never know what might be coming..."
        print "...but what do we have here!? A handsome prince!"
        print "... are you sexually attracted to him?"   
        sexually_attracted = raw_input("> ")
        if "yes" in sexually_attracted:
            print "You have been betrayed by your lecherous lust. This god of desire turns into a dragon and burns you to dust."
            print "The prince gives you a magic potion that can grant you any boon."
            print "You ask for all the happiness and riches of the world"

def cthulhu():
    print "You walk for miles into what seems like an endless abyss. And then he presents himself. The evil Cthulhu."
    print "He, it, or whatever - stares at you and you go insane."
    print "Do you flee for your life or eat your head?"
    next = raw_input("> ")
    if "flee" in next:
    elif "head" in next:
def win():
    print "You made an excellent choice. You win. You are magically transported to your time, your world."
    print "Exit? (y / n)"
    exit = raw_input("> ")
    if "y" in exit or "Y" in exit:

def dead():
    print "Wrong move friend. You shall be lost forever into the infinite abyss of the tree of the undead."

def start():
    print "You are walking through an enchanted forest with gigantic trees as tall as mountains and as thick as large lakes."
    print "You got here magically teleported into a distant planet in a distant galaxy in the future."
    print "You see one such tree with a cave-like structure at its base. What do you do?"
    do_what = raw_input("> ")
    while True:
        if "cave" in do_what or "cave-like" in do_what or "enter" in do_what:
            print "You enter  the dark hollow of an ancient tree that has had earthlings like you in the past."
            print "This tree is called the tree of the undying, where death won't touch you."
            print "On the other hand, pain can - if you don't make the right moves. And then you have to live with the pain for eternity."
            print "You are suddenly sucked into a vortex, finding yourself at crossroads of sorts." 
            print "From here, you can go north, south, east or west."
            while True: 
                now_what = raw_input("> ")
                if "north" in now_what:
                elif "south" in now_what:
                elif "east" in now_what:
                elif "west" in now_what:
                    print "I got no idea what you're saying. Is it that hard picking a cardinal direction?" 
            print "I got no idea what you're saying. You have no choice but to enter the cave. Now let's start over"


featured image source:

5 thoughts on “Code for my First Text-Based Game

    • yes your right I had to change nearly the entire code to get to work properly end even then it didnt want to recognize some of the commands.


  1. there were many errors this is the corrected run-able version for python3.6

    I had to fix a few things and am now properly motivated to continue learning TYSVM for making us learn by fixing it

    spoiler alert the code below WORKS

    if you wish to learn how to fix this compare the two

    main note is do not use reserved words IE. Next as a variable as it can cause issues down the line.

    Again Thanx so much Anirudh

    #Name of Author: Anirudh

    Name of BugFixer : Ever Drakonis



    from sys import exit

    def lion():
    print (“You had to choose some direction and you chose West. You have been walking for miles…. and you’re thirsty, and dehydrated.”)
    print (“… you have just begun to feel you’re walking into eternity when you see a T-junction. But just then you hear a ROAR!!!”)
    print (“You turn back to see a giant lion, miles away, running after you at great speed. You just have time to react. What now?”)

    do_what = input("> ")
    if "left" in do_what or "south" in do_what:
        print ("Unfortunately for you, the lion catches up and rips you to shreds. You feel intense pain, yet you can't die. This is hell." )
    elif "right" in do_what or "north" in do_what:
        print ("You find a portal to another dimension. Could this be a trap? Or should you take that chance? What do you do?")
        do_what = input("> ")
        if "portal" in do_what:

    def princess():
    print (“You have been walking for miles… and this is geting frustrating. Will this road ever end?”)
    print (“A dagger falls from the skies abvoe. What do you do?”)
    do_what = input(“> “)
    if “dagger” in do_what or “pick” in do_what:
    print (“lo and behold! A beautiful princess stands before you.”)
    print (“A diamond on the hilt of your dagger turns the color of her eyes. This is a clue.”)
    what_color = input(“Do you see the color or blood?\n> “)
    print (“… are you sexually attracted to her?”)
    sexually_attracted = input(“> “)
    print (“You’ll have to make a choice. You can either go kiss in a warm embrace or kill her with your dagger. Which will it be?”)
    your_choice = input(“> “)
    if “yes” in what_color or “blood” in what_color:
    if “kill” in your_choice:
    elif “yes” in sexually_attracted:
    if “kiss” in your_choice:
    print (“You have been betrayed by your lecherous lust. This goddess of desire turns into a dragon and burns you to dust.”)

        elif "no" in sexually_attracted:
                if "kill" in your_choice:
                    print ("What a muderous and sinful thing you did.")
        print ("You should have picked up the dagger. You never know what might be coming...")
        print ("...but what do we have here!? A beautiful maiden! She looks like royalty. In fact she is a princess!")
        print ("... are you sexually attracted to her?"   )
        sexually_attracted = input("> ")
        if "yes" in sexually_attracted:
            print ("You have been betrayed by your lecherous lust. This goddess of desire turns into a dragon and burns you to dust.")
            print ("The princess gives you a magic potion that can grant you any boon.")
            print ("You ask for all the happiness and riches of the world")

    def prince():
    print (“You have been walking for miles… and this is geting frustrating. Will this road ever end?”)
    print (“A dagger falls from the skies abvoe. What do you do?”)
    do_what = input(“> “)
    if “dagger” in do_what or “pick” in do_what:
    print (“lo and behold! A handsome prince stands before you.”)
    print (“A diamond on the hilt of your dagger turns the color of his hair. This is a clue.”)
    what_color = input(“Do you see the color or blood?\n> “)
    print (“… are you sexually attracted to him?”)
    sexually_attracted = input(“> “)
    print (“You’ll have to make a choice. You can either go kiss in a warm embrace or kill him with your dagger. Which will it be?”)
    your_choice = input(“> “)
    if “yes” in what_color or “blood” in what_color:
    if “kill” in your_choice:
    elif “yes” in sexually_attracted:
    if “kiss” in your_choice:
    print (“You have been betrayed by your lecherous lust. This god of desire turns into a dragon and burns you to dust.”)

        elif "no" in sexually_attracted:
                if "kill" in your_choice:
                    print ("What a muderous and sinful thing you did.")
        print ("You should have picked up the dagger. You never know what might be coming...")
        print ("...but what do we have here!? A handsome prince!")
        print ("... are you sexually attracted to him?"   )
        sexually_attracted = input("> ")
        if "yes" in sexually_attracted:
            print ("You have been betrayed by your lecherous lust. This god of desire turns into a dragon and burns you to dust.")
            print ("The prince gives you a magic potion that can grant you any boon.")
            print ("You ask for all the happiness and riches of the world")

    def cthulhu():
    print (“You walk for miles into what seems like an endless abyss. And then he presents himself. The evil Cthulhu.”)
    print (“He, it, or whatever – stares at you and you go insane.”)
    print (“Do you flee for your life or eat your head?”)

    obscurity = input("> ")
    if "flee" in obscurity:
    elif "head" in obscurity:
        elif "run" in obscurity:

    def win():
    print (“You made an excellent choice. You win. You are magically transported to your time, your world.”)
    print (“Exit? (y / n)”)
    if “y” in exit or “Y” in exit:

    def dead():
    print (“Wrong move friend. You shall be lost forever into the infinite abyss of the tree of the undead.”)

    def start():
    print (“You are walking through an enchanted forest with gigantic trees as tall as mountains and as thick as large lakes.”)
    print (“You got here magically teleported into a distant planet in a distant galaxy in the future.”)
    print (“You see one such tree with a cave-like structure at its base. What do you do?”)

    do_what = input("> ")
    while True:
        if "cave" in do_what or "cave-like" in do_what or "enter" in do_what:
            print ("You enter  the dark hollow of an ancient tree that has had earthlings like you in the past.")
            print ("This tree is called the tree of the undying, where death won't touch you.")
            print ("On the other hand, pain can - if you don't make the right moves. And then you have to live with the pain for eternity.")
            print ("You are suddenly sucked into a vortex, finding yourself at crossroads of sorts." )
            print ("From here, you can go north, south, east or west.")
            while True: 
                now_what = input(" > ")
                if "north" in now_what:
                elif "south" in now_what:
                elif "east" in now_what:
                elif "west" in now_what:
                    print ("I got no idea what you're saying. Is it that hard picking a cardinal direction?" )
            print ("I got no idea what you're saying. You have no choice but to enter the cave. Now let's start over")



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